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The tuition and fees consultation for 2024 concluded on February 27, 2024, at Esmail and Safana Bharwani Hall (N231).


Please see below for Bow Valley College's responses to the submitted questions.

Tuition and Fees Consultation

​Each year, Bow Valley College (BVC) holds a Tuition & Fee Consultation. The tuition consultation process helps students gain clarity on the specific costs associated with tuition, fees, and other related expenses. This transparency allows for better financial preparedness and allows BVC to hear and address student concerns. 

Tuition & Fees Overview

As per Alberta law, the Board of Governors of the College sets the tuition fees. The College will talk with students about fee increases before the Board approves them. BVC must follow Alberta laws and regulations about tuition fees. Visit the policies and links below to learn more about the regulations and read BVC’s tuition policy. 

Understanding Tuition and Fees at Bow Valley College

Your college fees include tuition fees, mandatory non-instructional fees, and other mandatory fees. 


A mandatory fee is a fee you must pay. A mandatory non-instructional fee is a fee that students must pay for specific goods or services that typically enhance the student experience. They are not related to instruction in a specific program and are not optional. Check out the list of tuition and fees at Bow Valley College through the link below:

How are Tuition & Fees Set?

BVC will form a Consultation Committee each year. The Academic Council will be the Consultation Committee, and this committee will talk with learners about services and fees. In addition, the annual Tuition and Fee Consultation will also be hosted by BVC and gives students a chance to provide their opinions about the proposed tuition and fees. 


The Tuition Fee Consultation and the Consultation Committee are the way that BVC discusses fees. They are also the way BVC discusses policies and procedures regarding fees. BVC will share financial information about tuition, mandatory fees, and non-instructional fees. 


The Consultation Committee will have two meetings a year. One meeting will give feedback before mid-December. One meeting will happen before fees are approved by the Board of Governors.  

How are the Changes Considered?

When BVC increases its fees, it will look at:  

How the increase affect students 

Program costs 

Market Demand

How many students take a program

How the programs have worked in the past  

Fees at other colleges  

Other important information, including student assistance (or funding) 


Student Engagement

BVC will be hosting Tuition and Fee Consultation each year and Students are encouraged to attend these sessions to ensure that the consultation is meaningful. This time will allow learners to share their input and have their questions answered by BVC.  


Here are the questions received and Bow Valley College's responses during the 2024 consultation:

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